Find where you can pick up your books

Confused about where your books in the open-stacks are? Can't find the journal you need? Where is this item located? shows you exactly where they are and how to reach them!

Start here!

Search in the Leiden University Libraries' Catalogue!

Look out for the "Locate" button in the Catalogue. The button will appear when a book is available in the open-stacks for you to pick up. Click the "Locate" button and it will show you precise directions!

Try now!

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Stuck? Something is missing?

Our Ask-a-Librarian service is here to assist.

More information about our Libraries?

The Leiden University Libraries website contains all the information you might need.

Interested in implementing this tool in your Library?

This tool is developed with an open-source heart. Check the Leiden University Libraries GitHub page for more information.